It’s no surprise that the youth in Burke County have bright futures ahead of them, so why don’t we invest more in them?
No Educator or Administrator in Burke County should ever have to worry about having access to the resources they need to effectively do their jobs. Dorian believes that every teacher should have more than enough supplies to educate; from laptops to pencils. Dorian will fight for teachers to be paid what they have long deserved, to develop and strengthen the profession in our county, and to recruit and retain the best educators for our students.
Dorian also knows how critical it is that our students have the support and resources that they need to achieve every dream they’ve ever had. From basic supplies, to healthy lunches, to after school activities, they deserve the best of everything.
With the North Carolina School of Math and Science coming to Morganton, Burke County is officially on the map for great education options. Let’s work hard to make it even better for BCPS employees and students.
As Burke County continues to grow, we must focus on keeping public safety a core priority in our county.
Dorian is interested in exploring ways to transition Burke County into a community-policing model. Dorian understands that in order for Burke to flourish, we must encourage partnerships between our law enforcement agencies, the officers that keep us safe, and the people that they serve. By improving relationships and connections with the community, police are better able to solve public safety issues.
Another priority of Dorian’s is to ensure that there are enough police in Burke County. With recruiting and retaining the best, the quality of services provided will guarantee a safer community.
While we’re on the topic of recruiting and retaining the best, Dorian believes that creating more competitive pay for Burke County’s officers, our county will be protected by a first-class force. It is also a top priority of Dorian’s to recruit a more diverse applicant pool. We are better as a community when everyone is represented.
What will Burke County Businesses look like in 3, 5, or 15 years from now? Let’s find out, together.
Dorian looks forward to working with organizations like Burke Development Incorporation, and the Burke County Chamber of Commerce to make Burke County more attractive to new businesses, as well as setting up our existing businesses for years of success.
We will work hard every day to ensure that Mom and Pop shops have access to the incentives that they have always deserved. We will work hard every day to support and lift black-owned businesses, so that our shopping districts are as diverse as our community. We will work hard every day to bring businesses to all parts of the county, from Glen Alpine to Rhodhiss.
We will work hard for you.
We all know that Morganton brings a lot more to Burke County than just being the county-seat; but what if all towns in our county thrived in such a way?
Dorian wants to be sure that support is provided to all municipalities from the county. This can be achieved by creating an intergovernmental council; where all municipalities have a seat at the table. By creating this council, we can ensure that no community is left out.
Some of our towns may be small in size, but they make up for it in heart. We truly can achieve amazing things, together.
By improving our infrastructure, we can guarantee that all of Burke County has access to basic fundamentals, and more.
Now more than ever, we realize being able to connect with others is more than just a want, but a necessity. Did you know approximately 55% of school-aged children enrolled in Burke County Public Schools do not have access to the internet? In fact, approximately 30% of Burke County does not have access to the internet. We have got to do better